Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Flat Party

Here is a picture from the kitchen of our flat of all my flatmates. We got together last week and each made a dish from our countries (except for a few of us--so we bought the beer!). I almost went out and bought fried chicken from this Indian-owned, chicken sandwich place. I doubt it would have tasted like home because along with buckets of fried chicken, chicken sandwiches, and burgers, they sell Indian dishes, including Indian-spiced pizzas!

From the front right, going counter-clockwise around the table, is Sergei from Russia, me, Arthur from China, Jack from China, Yuan from China, Jairam from India, Can from China, Choi from Hong Kong, and Ho from South Korea.

It was a very fun and interesting night we had, sharing stories about each other's cultures and backgrounds!


  1. It looks like you are having a great time. What a great adventure you are on. Best of luck!

  2. Geoff:

    Miss you lots! I agree with Angela though, what a great adventure you are on! Have a great time on your new endeavor, and as I was reading your earlier post, I was amazed at all you had already done! Best of luck, and I am looking forward to more blogs and pictures. As far as English people, I always thought that some of them were snobby anyways! I guess it's the Irish in me! (LOL)

  3. Say hi to all your flatmates for me!!!!!
    This is too cool....miss ya Geoff

    Be in touch soon...Nancy
